Pablo Diserens

Pablo Diserens

Pablo Diserens is an artist, field recordist, composer, filmmaker and photographer based in Berlin (Germany) who engages with various topo- and phonographies with a wide range of visual and sonic recording techniques. Their work brings the bio- and geological features of the explored environments to the foreground by blending a rich variety of located sounds with texts, analog photographs and video within site-specific gestures, installations, live performances, exhibitions and releases. Diserens composes sonic environments and electroacoustic sound pieces by fusing and altering an array of field recordings, found objects and self-made instruments. Through their various practices embedded in sonic ecology and acousmatic forms, Diserens draws attention to fragile biomes, unheard or unseen minutiae and the [political] act of listening with the aim of sparking ecological awareness.

marbre en mer

During their residency at PLAN B. Pablo Diserens developed the piece marbre en mer - a sunken marble artefact prepared as a time capsule gesture.

Containing analog photographs and sound recordings from the shoreline’s surrounding fauna, flora and geologies, this time capsule was placed on ████’s seafloor in the Corinthian Gulf (Greece) by the artist during the spring of 2021. Inspired by the archeological sites of ancient Greece and by the ruins’ intrinsic bond to the experience of time, Pablo Diserens released this specially crafted marble block in the sea as one would send a message in a bottle. Enabling marbre en mer to act as a mnemonic relic that carries pieces of acoustic and visual memory from the Hellenic shoreline at the dawn of the Anthropocene.

— this artefact was sunk on May 19th 2021
— original coordinates: 38°███ N 22°███ E  
— marbre en mer (marble at sea)
— produced during a residency at Plan B. Artists Studio

In addition to marbre en mer, Pablo Diserens is currently working on a short documentary film based on their experience in-situ and on the sonic, visual and written material that they colleced and generated during their residency. The work is still in progress - more coming soon...

all photos courtesy of the artist (© Pablo Diserens 2021)